Monday, November 19, 2007

I carry it with me

I carry it with me wherever I go. It’s with me in the morning, as I get up to go to work. I shower and shave and all the time it’s there. I hop in the car for the commute to work and it follows me. As I drive it tugs at me for attention. Just what I need as I drive one more demand of my time. As I enter my building it’s followed as well. Some may think I’m paranoid. But I’m not, honestly. I choose to carry it with me, to take it places it can be my companion, friend, enemy, or mostly just there. I can be certain that as my day of work concludes it has followed me through my day, and it will probably follow me home in a the reverse of the morning’s journey. As I prepare a meal or I stop for a bite to eat on my way home it’s there. In the evening it stares at me as if to say, “let’s go out … Have some fun.” I think sure why not? But then I think better about it and stay home with the four blank walls that surround me. It taunts me again and I relent. Give into its desire and immerse myself in its seductive ways. Finally, as the night concludes it’s there to soothe me into slumber. It’s had it’s fun and allows me to rest to begin again tomorrow.
Yes, I carry it with me, but sometimes I try to sneak away. I still think it’s following me though. Once again you may question the sanity, but its there lurking around every corner. There’s no place to escape from its clutches. No road can lead away from its grasp. No plane can fly high enough to get away . Believe me I’ve tried to escape it. It just follows. No matter where I go.
You would think I wouldn’t take it with me to church on Sunday, but I do. It’s there and it feels right, like it should be there. Sometimes I think it belongs here more than anyplace else. But as church concludes it doesn’t stay you’d think it would, but it doesn’t. I go for a stroll in the park and there it is. As I wander it accompanies me, sometimes it’s just there, but at other times it tugs me here and pushes me there.
You probably ask your self-why take it with me at all. I need it! Without it… well, I’d cease to be me. It is somehow locked into me and I into it. Together in some sort of struggle or just an old friend who will never stop following. I think without it life would no longer have a meaning. I know, you what to know what it is? I can’t tell you otherwise you’d be burdened with it too or perhaps you’d never want to give it up and I would loose it forever.

1 comment:

Forgetfulone said...

I wanna know! I can tell by your writing that it is something both important and intangible. Good post.