Sunday, August 3, 2008

Do I have to?

Do I have to?
No you don’t.
But it will disappoint my parents.
Do I have to?
No you don’t.
But I could be fired.
Do I have to?
No you don’t.
But my wife might leave me.
Do I have to?
No you don’t.

Yes you probably do. Life is like that. Starting with that first breath in life you make a decision, and the decision is to breath. And what if you decided not to take that breath? You would have disappointed your parents. Then life continues to revolve around that one question “Do I have to?”

Do I have to do this? No you don’t, but the moment you raise the question you are doomed. By simply asking it you’ve already answered it. It appears as a fork in the road, turn to the left and you don’t have to, turn to the right and you have to. It’s truly not such a fork you are destined to turn right by the question. The question itself is the answer “Yes you probably do.”

It’s the ultimate guilt question. Something unpleasant will happen if you don’t. You know it, society knows it. A statement always follows the question and that statement is the answer, or is it another question veiled as a statement. It will cause your brain to explode from over analysis and your back to the start.

And finally
Do I have to write about this?
No I don’t


Keith's Ramblings said...

No, you didn't have to write about it, but I'm glad you did! Nice piece.

danni said...

it becomes a vicous circle when you begin to think too much about it - i liked this post!!!

Jennifer Hicks said...

you're so right...there is so much guilt in asking this question that already inherently has an answer....

Michelle said...

Do I have to post a comment? No, but this was great!!

Melody said...

How true, once you ask yourself the question, deep down you really do know. Now do you do it? You did a wonderful job of planting that in the readers mind with your writing.